terça-feira, 19 de agosto de 2014

Shadows of the Day' Ragnarok's Rises...

Shadows of the Day' Ragnarok's Rises…

Part II - "Just Another Mess..."

I woke with my head buzzing, my eyes wet from crying and a stink in my mouth caused by the bad whiskey… Fuck it's only four in the morning, the pills effect didn't lasted long, but at least I slept for a while. I gaze down at my bad and my mad cat was there, at my feets, all stretched like a lord, it looked like the bed was hers and i was just her pet that slept in a little corner of the bed, so i roll myself and lay my head near side her… she extend her right pawn to touch my face, and as soon as she makes contact she turns up, rolls herself into my face, and then she goes out of the bad to have a quick meal.

And that's my clue, I move as quickly as I can to not disturb Mo, but I really do not know if she's in her room or not, but that's not the matter here, no, the matter was that I needed a cigar, or two, so as I open the blinds of the windows, I gaze at the moon, and it was red… fuck, it wasn't a dream, so I gave a better look at the sky and although the dark of the night was imposing, the shades of blood red were clear… This was all fuckedup, so I tried to glimpse if my earlier impression of the persons was still the same. And yes, it was, I could spot some neighbours in the nearest windows,  and that crazy lady that often would dry her clothes almost naked was now a creepy creature… fuck, just to imagine that I usually took one or two extra minutes on the windows just glancing her.

After this image I am really gonna need therapy, not that I hadn't needed before, but this chance a guy… or not, as I really don't give a fuck if that lady is human or not... That that was my clue, it was time to see how was Mo… And yeah, I know that Miss. Mohnashini Autumn, resents me for calling her Mo, but I really hope that she's get over it, as regularly I will never call her by her complete name, after all it's not my fault that her father is some english descendant and her mother has some huge crush at the hindu culture, so I will stick with the short name please.

Anyway, I cross the hallway and enter her room, the door was open, as always, as she always leaves the door open in case my mad cat feel some urge to lay in her bed. I close in, and I notice that she was asleep, her looks seemed regular, and no metamorphosis happened here, but when I turned I saw something hanging in the ceiling at one of the room corners… I blinked twice, the creature gazed at me with his big red eyes, trying to rip my soul. I shielded myself, and left the room as quickly as I could without making any noises. I knewed that I didn't liked that fucking room, now I know why. Well at least it didn't came after me.

Gonne to smoke another cigarette as I needed to coop all this information, as I inhale the smoke, only a thought came to my mind… I'm so fuckedup… But hey, afeter a quick shake in my head, I throw away my cigarette that is half smoked away, and return to my bed. And after giving a quick kiss in my mad cat I finally fell asleep.

* * * *

FUCK!!!! It's past two in the afternoon, I felt asleep, crap, fuck, shit, need to run I had an followup meeting with the LeBeau couple today, one hour ago… Fuck, I rush to the kitchen to power on the hot water, just to notice that Mo had left a message post it in the freezer… It said that she wouldn't spent the night home, but hey, what else is new… anyway I do not have time for her craps right now, and the fucking water insists on not getting hot today, but I really do not have time for this, so I give up, the water is between warm and cold, but now I realized that this is how I have to take a shower today.

Ten minutes later, I'm done, another ten my clothes are on, and I'm running though the apartment like crazy to give a kiss goodbye to my mad cat, with no avail, she's probably hiding at plain site making impossible to me to see her. So I turn my attention to her water bowl and her food bowl. I refill both of them, and then I see her dancing in front of me. I caress her head and as she's stays eating a little I close the door behind me. Now It's just one and an half hour to the office…

* * * *

The LeBeau couple was waiting for me in the hall of my office, Mr. Antoine was with an harsh face, almost wanting to kill me for this delay, while Mrs. Victoria had an serene look, in contrast they were extreme opposites of one another, but hey, let's get to business that I can't afford to lose them as Clientes.

We talked for two long hours, but I finally manage to get them a small terrain in Zanzibar. Mrs. Victoria didn't know where Zanzibar was, so I had to explain that is was a small island, located off the Eastern shore of Tanzania, in South-Central Africa, home of great diving off the coast of Africa. She disliked the idea, due to the recent governments experimentations in Africa, but Mr. Antoine was thrilled by the idea. He even joked that finally he would have a place to start his conquest.

I took that as I light joke, but a few hours after they left, Mrs. Victoria returns to my office pledging for my help. He was crying and saying that he wasn't the man she knew anymore, the worst she didn't knew if he was a man after all… From my lips I replied in a calm manner, that every marriage had his troubles, as it could just be a phase… She interrupted me shouting, NO MIGUEL, I DON'T THINK THAT HE'S HUMAN ANYMORE… Fuck… that freaking word was the only thing that crossed my mind at that point.

But, I smiled to her, and did something that's bugging me until now, I gently kissed her forehead, and whispered that I would be looking for some answers… And showed her the door. As she left, I sat at my desk thinking I was in another mess, but hey, it's just another one, at least this time I hadn't slept with her…

And as I was lost in my thoughts the temperature of the air around me started to drop, and suddenly a familiar voice echoed in my head… "No Miguel, you haven't… Yet, but I do need to talk about that...", I could remember that voice anywhere and anytime 'cause they're things that I don't forgot that easily, even after I compressed some memories to a forgotten box inside myself. With no words spoken I replied… "Lia...".

Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisestcourse.
--Henry VI, Part III, Act III, sc. 1.

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