domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Funny thing...

It's funny... I'm currently looking at some of the projects that I've started in the last 6 years and currently I do not see their point of existence.

So I just declare my Duels Frontstorm, PROJEKT Planetstorm, FBW Ring of Pain and a lot of others officially dead, as they were co-developed and alone I really don't want to venture into them alone.

I'm sad with this decision but those don't have wings to fly anymore.

On a related note my upgoing Building Blocks minifigure ebay shop is also vecated.

For now no more childish dreams... Its time to grown up and stop with all that craps.

sexta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2014


Estou num momento de introspeccao e clausura. Mas já me está a fartar sinceramente. Ainda não acalmei a alma, mas ainda assim estou a tentar fazer as pazes com o meu passado distante e presente. Sendo que o presente é mais dificil de engolir. Mas ao menos já durmo, e já não massacro os meus amigos de 5 em 5 minutos. Errei bastente, mas não fui o unico e aprendi muita coisa nesta minha ultima viagem.

Hoje gostava de voltar a algumas viagens do passado para ter a certeza que os caminhos estão renovados, afinal tanto tempo se passou que até as estradas estão diferentes. Ou então ir pela tentação de rumar ao desconhecido... Mais ao menos, estou tentado em ir para o Porto... Terra essa que só conheco de passagem, mas ao menos seria uma mudanca de ar.

As noites são o mais complicado desta viagem, pois o aperto no peito, as crises de asma, a inseguranca e a incerteza do amanha estão premente e presente em mim, mas isto passa, faz tudo parte da grande viagem que estou a fazer.

Mas ainda não sei para obde ir a seguir,  tenho ainda 9 dias de ferias... E um livro para acabar. De resto enterrei ontem na minha mente e coração um amor de 6 anos, hoje sinto pena pela partida, pois dei o melhor de mim, e mesmo não tendo sido suficiente para o amor resistir as intemperias o saldo é mais do que positivo, mas é a vida, isso faz parte da minha viagem...

"E voas sobre o mar, com as asas que te dou. E dizes-me a cantar 'é assim que eu sou'"

"Eu não tenho, nada mais para te dar, é que a vida são dois dias e um é para acordar das historias de encantar..."

quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2014

O que dizem os meus olhos...

Cheguei a casa... Deixando para trás uma vida de seis anos, sendo os
ultimos tres vividos num outro sitio a que chamei de meu... Sitio esse
deixado para trás juntamente com os sonhos criados e os projectos de uma
vida a dois que sensivelmente um ano depois se tornou vida a tres uma vez
que a minha gata maluca encheu me a casa e a vida de vida... Mas ainda
assim não o suficiente, pois erros do passado continuaram a assombrar uma
relação fragilizada por silencios e insegurancas... Mas já não importa, já
não me importa, o mal está feito e lamentavelmente não tenho como remediar
o passado.

Ontem não dormi, passei uma noite inteira no escuro a olhar para quem
estava ao meu lado na ansia de ainda me descobrir, em vão... Tudo o que
pernoitava na minha cama era um remanescente da ficção que criamos... E a
cada vez que sem quer me aproximava procurando um pouco de calor numa noite
gelida para mim, o habitual deste ultimo ano teimava em resurgir, um
rosnado, uma viragem para o outro lado demonstrando aquilo que tanto me
custa a aceitar... O meu lugar já não é ali... Já foi preenchido por outrem
mesmo que não seja admitido... E mesmo a ida até mim tenha sido voluntaria,
para dar algum consolo a uma alma perdida... As acões por sua vez voltaram
a ser diferentes das palavras ditas... Mas va, eventualmente aformeci, uns
minutos antes desse alguem ir trabalhar... E ainda bem, não gosto de

E enfim ao acordar, chorei, chorei e cada passo que dava a empacotar as
minhas merdas parecia facas a dislacerar a alma... E eventualmente consegui
fazer a mala... O pior foi mesmo sair de casa, com a minha gata maluca já
em raiva por me sentir de partida... Ainda tive uma hora no chao a ser
mordido por ela enquanto as lagrimas caiam em mim... Mas ao menos ela fica

Mas sai, avancei, a situação que estava a matar me... E ainda esta...
E vai continuar, pois apesat de não querer mais estou a ir contra tudo
o que me representa, desta vez estou a por o coração de lado e ouvir a
razão... Epah e apesar de varias pessoas terem me dito.. Olha pode ser
uma fase... O mal já está feito e não da pa remediar... Já me vim
embora... Ja estou de volta aos braços da minha mãe, onde por mais que
a vida ou as pessoas me maltratem tenho aqui sempre um porto de abrigo
das tempestades... Mas para mim já não é a mesma coisa... Desta vez já
não é igual, já não me sinto aqui...

Na minha separação anterior a volta a esta casa vou algo normal...
Desta vez deixei muito de mim do outro lado do rio... Ao ponto de
estar a ponderar desaparecer do mapa, e não no sentido dramatico das
coisas, não, desta vez sinto que estou mesmo a precisar de pagar na
minha mala e rumar ao desconhecido, sair de lisboa, sair do emprego
que já não me tras satisfação, e sair efetivamente deste mundo e
abraçar de braços abertos o outro lado... Preciso de renascer das
cinzas... E aqui já não tenho motivos para estar... E pir muito que me
digam epah e a tua mae, e os teus amigos e a tua gata... No fim todos
eles irão ficar bem... E eu também irei.

E o que dizem os meus olhos... Tanta coisa, dizem calma, pois sei que
vou descobrir a calma que ganhei e recentemente perdi, dizem perdão,
por tudo o que foi dito em raiva sem o intuito só para magoar, dizem
desculpa, por todas as desculpas que não cheguei a pedir a ti, a ti e
a ti..., dizem obrigado, por me terem acolhido de uma forma ou de
outra, e dizem amor... Para e por todas as pessoas/creaturas que amei
e que irei continuar a smar de uma forma ou de outra estão sempre

De resto esta é a minha derradeira Crónica de um Tolo, pois a partir
do momento em que a publique vou ficar fora da rede, sem net, sem
telemovel... Vou aproveitar o tempo que me resta para escrever a
historia inacabada e para pensar no caminho a seguir. Gostei de vos
ter por aqui, mas para já deixo vos um "ate já"...


As I'm preparing to leave for the last time this vecated house that was my home for the last three years, my tears cannot stop from falling. Gosh, i'm fucking stupid i know... This sadness and grieve are killing me indide. i really dunno if i will be able to return here after today. And everytime my mad cat looks at me my heart shatters a little more, but at least she'll be in good hands. Fuck. I still have a ton of crap to pack, i still need to eat something before hitting the read, but i really don't care about any of those anymore, so i guess that spending a little more time here in the floor crying is what i'm gonna do for now... And maybe i'm making a drama, again but its just what i feel. In a couple of hours i'm returning home... But part of me will be lost here... For now my mind are drifting into the null... Just my pain feels real... Whatever...

terça-feira, 26 de agosto de 2014

Adeus, e até...

Bem, isto afinal está mais complicado do que eu pensaria que ira estar... estou atulhado de trabalho que tenho que deixar feito antes de ir de ferias... De resto tenho estado todo o dia xoxinho, enfim, acho que sou completamente tolo e gosto de sofrer como alguém já me disse... E talvez até não deixe de ser verdade, mas não me cura um coração partido de um dia para o outro, pois lamentavelmente não tenho um botão de desligar emoções, mas gostava...

Tenho estado com as seguintes musicas na cabeça...

Quando você disse: nunca mais, 
Não ligue mais, melhor assim.. 
Não era bem o que eu queria ouvir 
E me disse decidida, saia da minha vida 
Que aquilo era loucura, era absurdo
E mais uma vez você ligou 
Dias depois, me procurou 
Com a voz suave, quase que formal 
E disse que não era bem assim 
Não necessariamente o fim 
De uma coisa tão bonita e casual 
De repente as coisas mudam de lugar 
E quem perdeu pode ganhar 
Teu silêncio preso na minha garganta
E o medo da verdade, ei! 
Eu sei que eu, eu queria estar contigo 
Mas sei que não, sei que não é permitido 
Talvez se nós, se nós tivéssemos fugido 
E ouvido a voz desse desconhecido, 
O amor, o amor, o amor, o amor, uh!

Essa voz que chega devagar, pra perturbar, pra enlouquecer 
Dizendo pra eu pular de olhos fechados, 
Essa voz que chega a debochar do meu pavor, 
Mas ao pular, eu me vejo ganhar asas e voar, 
De repente as coisas mudam de lugar 
E quem perdeu pode ganhar 
Minha amiga, minha namorada 
Quando é que eu posso te encontrar, iê, iê, iê, iê

Eu sei que eu, ah! eu queria estar contigo 
Mas sei que não, sei que não é permitido 
Talvez se nós, se nós tivéssemos fugido 
E ouvido a voz desse desconhecido, 
Eu sei que eu, ah! eu queria estar contigo 
Mas sei que não, não, não, não, não, não é permitido 
Talvez se nós tivéssemos fugido..

E num mundinho cor-de-rosa isso seria o ideal, mas vivemos num mundo que não é cor-de-rosa, vivemos num mundo with multiples shades of grey... e isso invalida toda a ilusão causada pelos pensamentos de um amor fictício imaginado e criado por este escritor sonhador... Mas para já, para mim...

Todo o lado, tudo é
Uma recordação de ti
Tudo me lembra o tempo, a vida
E os sonhos que vivi
Uma sede de viver
Na esperança de encontrar
Um doce eterno olhar capaz de amar
E de me fazer sonhar
E eu julguei que esse olhar era teu
Que os sentimentos que dizias sentir
Eram verdade enfim, certeza em mim
Dum grande amor por ti
E eu dava tudo p'ra te ter aqui
Mas eu bem sei que o tempo não vai voltar
E tudo o que vivi
Amei, sofri
Será sempre um olhar
Os momentos de paixão
Do calor dum beijo teu
Vivem agora na memória e são
O meu mais amargo céu
Por entre recordações
Passo o tempo a procurar
Um doce eterno olhar capaz de amar
E de me fazer sonhar
E eu julguei que esse olhar era teu
Que os sentimentos que dizias sentir
Eram verdade enfim, certeza em mim
Dum grande amor por ti
E eu dava tudo p'ra te ter aqui
Mas eu bem sei que o tempo não vai voltar
E tudo o que vivi
Amei, sofri
Será sempre um olhar
Eu dava tudo pra te ter aqui
Mas eu bem sei que o tempo não vai voltar
E tudo o que vivi
Amei, sofri
Será sempre um olhar
Eu dava tudo pra te ter aqui
Mas eu bem sei que o tempo não vai voltar
E tudo o que vivi
Amei, sofri
Será sempre um olhar

Sim, de verás, será sempre um olhar, e alias é sempre o olhar que me lixa... Mas vá, o que está feito está feito, acabou, é passado, agora tenho que pensar em mim, e ao contrario do que alguém pensa, nestes últimos 6 anos abdiquei de mais de mim do que gosto de admitir em prol de um amor... Mas hey, por amor fazem-se coisas muito estúpidas, e a que vou fazer de seguida poderá ser considerado estúpido por algumas pessoas, mas necessário por outras, é me indiferente o que pensam. A seguir vou desaparecer por uns dias, sair do mapa, no net, no phone, no nothing, just me & myself... Need to regroup, in order to be able to think about my present and my future. 

Faço-me à estrada
Não penso em mais nada
O que será de mim
Uma história em que o princípio
Mais parecia o fim
Na mala do carro
Só levo a guitarra
E as letras que escrever
Vão falar desta viagem
Que eu não vou esquecer
Vou partir, sem demora
Vou partir
Parto sem saber
Sem saber se sou capaz
Deixo tudo para trás
E vou p'ra longe
P'ra Longe
Se lá vou ficar
O destino irá dizer
Não há tempo a perder
E vou p'ra longe
P'ra Longe
P'ra Longe
Na ri ra ri ra
P'ra Longe
P'ra Longe
Na ri ra ri ra
A meio do caminho
Já sinto saudades
De quem lá deixei
Dou por mim aqui sozinho
E assim fiquei
Ao fim de alguns anos
Começo a perceber
É difícil estar tão longe
De quem nos viu nascer
Vou voltar, sem demora
Vou voltar
Parto sem saber
Sem saber se sou capaz
Deixo tudo para trás
E vou p'ra longe
P'ra Longe
Se lá vou ficar
O destino irá dizer
Não há tempo a perder
E vou p'ra longe
P'ra Longe
P'ra Longe
Na ri ra ri ra
P'ra Longe
P'ra Longe
Na ri ra ri ra
P'ra longe
P'ra Longe
P'ra Longe
Na ri ra ri ra
P'ra Longe
P'ra Longe
Na ri ra ri ra

E vou, está decidido o meu desaparecimento por uns dias, mas vai me custar, muito, principalmente deixar para trás a minha mad cat, mas veremos o que consigo fazer... Pois ela não tem culpa das irresponsabilidades dos ditos adultos responsáveis que tomam conta dela. Enfim, nem vou comentar sobre isso, pois já não vale a pena, apenas me questiono como vai ser o futuro próximo e o futuro futuro dela pois está habituada a ter duas pessoas na vidinha dela e vai passar a ter uma.

Mas vá, não me quero deprimir ou chatear com coisas que ainda irão acontecer, mas não me deixo de preocupar com ela, pois de uma forma ou de outra ela faz já parte de mim, e cada dia ausente é um aperto grande no meu coração fragilizado. Mas como para onde vou não a posso levar, mais vale não pensar nisso agora.

E assim termino, o meu último post desta ERA, eventualmente vou voltar, pois tenho uma historia para vos apresentar, a quem tiver interessado em me ler, de resto e o resto para já não me importa...

The Other Side: Lost Chronicles Tome 2

The Other Side: Lost Chronicles (Ragnarok's Rises… Prologue III)
By Hugo Ferreira

Tome 2: Blessing or Pain?

...And what did I found? I found that I was alone, alone in an endless war destined to lose. But you know me, I do not believe in situations that I cannot overcome. Yeah I'm too damn cocky to realize that there's stuff that I cannot win. Maybe this was is one of those, but something inside me keeps me fighting. 

But not today, I bleed it out in my sanity, and every time I dig deeper to throw my rage away it hits me hard next time. And I really miss my sanity, I really do not know how to explain this, but you, can you imagine having a multiple voices in your head talking to you at the same time? No? Well, it's harder, as they do not talk, only yield for help, and even when they are silent or talking to you in languages that you do not know, it's still hard to throw them away.

Well at least the visions had stopped, now it's only the dreams from time to time, and here I am, again all alone in the dark without a refuge to hide, without anyone to talk my grieves, my worries, or just to do some small talk, here I am with those voices in my head pleading for help.

How can I help them if I cannot even help myself? How, how can this be, I'm trapped in a cage of my consciousness, seeing images of things to come, images of other reality's, images of ages ago, images that my cerebral cortex cannot decipher. 

I wish my wife were here, she at least could ease my mind and give me a moment of piece to try to focus my next step. 

I wish my child's were here, to make me ease as soon as I embraced them against my chest. Gosh, I miss that life... But I know that they are safe, at least for now, as the war hadn't reached the interior of the country.

Crap, I really need a guide tonight, as I feel like that older song that said… I've been on the road to long. Maybe it's me who's cold and empty and in my darkness I can not see the light. Please God if there's an angel You could send me (if there's an angel) 'cause there's one missin' from my life.

What... there's something in the horizon... I'm seeing things… I'm too tired… need to rest…


Ragnarok's Rises… Check-List

Four years ago I started making a story exclusive for my Facebook timeline about some unknown character, and even though I've only made two chapters of it I'm gonna released it here and connect it to my current project "Ragnarok's Rises...", that at first it was just going to part of Miguel story in the Shadows of the Day... (Sombras do dia...), fiction, but with this new rediscovered fiction, and due to the similar world background, I decided to do something bigger, in a way that only a megalomaniac mind can achieve, so after a why not moment, and after the release of this two introductory fictions called "The Other Side: Lost Chronicles", I decided to do some something totally different.

But as I have informed, I'm gonna in vacations to some remote place where I will not have an internet connection, so I will use that time to rest, to think on how to solve my life after this fucking divorce I'm going though, but mostly I will also be writing the rest of this major fictional storyline that now has expanded into the following Timeline. (the release dates are unknown, but hopefully I will have the story completed after my absent time)

Ragnarok's Rises… Check-List
  • Sombras do Dia - Chapter XV (Prologue I)
  • The Other Side: Lost Chronicles Tome 1 (Prologue II)
  • The Other Side: Lost Chronicles Tome 2 (Prologue III)
  • Shadows of the Day' Ragnarok's Rises… Part I
  • Shadows of the Day' Ragnarok's Rises… Part II
  • Sacavém by Night: Ragnarok's Rises… Part III

  • Lia: Ragnarok's Rises… Part IV
  • Shadows of the Day' Ragnarok's Rises… Part V
  • Shadows of the Day' Ragnarok's Rises… Part VI
  • Autumn's Clouds: Ragnarok's Rises… Part VII
  • The Other Side: Ragnarok's Rises… Part VIII
  • Ragnarok's Rises… The 5th Empire (Conclusion)

Anyway I hope all of you unidentified reader like this "little" story I'm making as much as I'm enjoying doing it. Without more due, my next two posts will be the release of the part II & III of the Prologue. (Please note that the part I of the prologue was only released in Portuguese language, but in due time I will re-release it in English)

The Other Side: Lost Chronicles Tome 1

The Other Side: Lost Chronicles (Ragnarok's Rises… Prologue II)

By Hugo Ferreira

Tome 1: Open your eyes

I'm getting too old for this; I really can't stand with all this crap that's happening here in Mevacas city. This world has gone wrong death and destruction all over the places, famine installed on more than half of the inhabitants of the world, deceases and vermin's rule these days, and this crappy red dark sky makes the creeps out of me.

I really do not care about this f**king war between Earth, Heaven and Hell, and certainly I would had appreciate not having to be in the middle of it, but no, as usual my guts were to push things up, meaning, now here I am, surviving and trying to save the most number I can, but still my feeling is that we're not designated to win.

Damn, today I just wish being just a regular guy, not this thing that I cannot start describing, well if you look at me, besides the visible scars I'm just a regular person, but come, take a better look, come, stare at my eyes and tell me what you see?

Did you feel it? Those mesmerizing chills that have passed thought your spine? Did you see the energy sprites that lay inside my iris? What do you think I am?




Maybe none, maybe all who cares? All my life I felt as an outsider to this world, with some calling me Angel, with others calling me Demon, and then there was my inner me, shouting and pleading inside that I was just Human.

But slowly during my teenager years, things got really out of control, the voices and the visions started to increase… I could not control it, everywhere I looked I saw monsters when I usually saw persons, some I knew, some I didn't… But I just wanted them to go away.

Then, that phase ended, and my life became a little more calm, then I found someone, that tried to warn me that the world was not what I thought to be. And yeah, I didn't believed then, well, I really wish I had at that time, as that could have made me a little more prepared for what happening today, but no, gosh, I'm too stubborn sometimes.

But what could I do, STOP everything you're doing, yes you, the one that's reading this chronicle, tell me if the following event had happened to you what would you do…

I was sleeping, or I thought I was sleeping, when suddenly my vision became blur, then I heard a noise, so I turn, then there were someone in front of me, someone that I could not recognize, but then again familiar at some point.

That figure told me to open my eyes… Told me my future, told me what I was, what I would be, and worst, in the very end it told me that it was me. I joked, laughed and mostly I tried not to hear more, but the figure insisted that I had to see beyond the darkness. Then I wake up, tired, cold, and with the need to drink a ton of water, then I forgot or better I was too scared to see, I opted to ignore, opted to turn around, and those words become trapped inside my mind, and as I tried to ignore them more signs appeared in front of me that made me remember those words.

So I moved on with my life, I became a man, I started to work, gained good money, hey I even fulfilled my dream on having a Esoteric shop, called The Other Side, well I guess I had seen many ghosts flicks when I was a kid, as I always had some kind of interest on that matters. I started a family with the woman that I love, and I know that she loves me too, hell we even had two children, a girl and a boy … and God, I miss them, but then, a couple of years ago the world changed…

And I was obligated to change. Not that I wanted, but it was needed, as when I had a demon treating the ones that I love, I do not think, I act, and my act that day changed my whole existence… But that's material for another chronicle.

And on that day I finally opened my eyes…


Ragnarok's Rises… Check-List

Four years ago I started making a story exclusive for my Facebook timeline about some unknown character, and even though I've only made two chapters of it I'm gonna released it here and connect it to my current project "Ragnarok's Rises...", that at first it was just going to part of Miguel story in the Shadows of the Day... (Sombras do dia...), fiction, but with this new rediscovered fiction, and due to the similar world background, I decided to do something bigger, in a way that only a megalomaniac mind can achieve, so after a why not moment, and after the release of this two introductory fictions called "The Other Side: Lost Chronicles", I decided to do some something totally different.

But as I have informed, I'm gonna in vacations to some remote place where I will not have an internet connection, so I will use that time to rest, to think on how to solve my life after this fucking divorce I'm going though, but mostly I will also be writing the rest of this major fictional storyline that now has expanded into the following Timeline. (the release dates are unknown, but hopefully I will have the story completed after my absent time)

Ragnarok's Rises… Check-List
  • Sombras do Dia - Chapter XV (Prologue I)
  • The Other Side: Lost Chronicles Tome 1 (Prologue II)
  • The Other Side: Lost Chronicles Tome 2 (Prologue III)
  • Shadows of the Day' Ragnarok's Rises… Part I
  • Shadows of the Day' Ragnarok's Rises… Part II
  • Sacavém by Night: Ragnarok's Rises… Part III

  • Lia: Ragnarok's Rises… Part IV
  • Shadows of the Day' Ragnarok's Rises… Part V
  • Shadows of the Day' Ragnarok's Rises… Part VI
  • Autumn's Clouds: Ragnarok's Rises… Part VII
  • The Other Side: Ragnarok's Rises… Part VIII
  • Ragnarok's Rises… The 5th Empire (Conclusion)

Anyway I hope all of you unidentified reader like this "little" story I'm making as much as I'm enjoying doing it. Without more due, my next two posts will be the release of the part II & III of the Prologue. (Please note that the part I of the prologue was only released in Portuguese language, but in due time I will re-release it in English)

segunda-feira, 25 de agosto de 2014


And even after I told that I would not post more shouts, is bigger than me, I'm tired, i'm sleepy cause over the entire weekend I slept for about 5 hours, so right now everything is hitching, everything is a small wick ready to blow... Cause in the end this entire crap doesn't really matter, I'm really done with this fucking life... I really tried to stay as a friend, but even that is fading every fucking day... Even as you say you're sorry, you want that too, your actions show the extreme opposite, even if your words say my place is still in your chest, your heart, your soul and even your fucking eyes show me the opposite. There's too much bad blood right now, too much sorrow, pain and misery. Too much hunger, too much rage, and yeah even hate... To the point that I need to do my fucking medication during the day, yes I'm with trouble breathing, but don't worry about me, i'll be fine, and even if i don't it's not your problem anymore. I'm heading to the red line today... so please know that for now no more words will came from me over you, via this blog, via message, via e-mail and even via my voice... I'm really giving up for now, it's not worth it, it's not worth the trouble, it's not worth the sleepless nights, it's not worth having to overdose my fucking medication in order to breathe normally just for you to know that I'm fine when I'm not, it's not worth the tears. Hey, i know your feelings are long gone, probably they were ever as you keep they they were, but what our lasts fights showed was that you never had the perception of what i've done in order to be with you, how I changed in order to be with you, indeed you can see through me, but you never appreciated all the small things that for me where big things, but that's okay, they don't matter anymore, nothing more matters, so please keep going with your life, i really hope you could find the happiness you seek, that one that has already gave you so much signs... or another, after all your newfound friends can help you to achieve that… So what are you waiting for? I really hope it's not me, 'cause I'm really sorry, but  the days I felt safe, I felt that i belonged as a husband and as a friend to you, to that place are long gone, with all the craps, now it's finally the time where I disappear...

Hey, hey, hey
Here I go now, here I go into new days
Here I go now, here I go into new days

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer

hey, hey, heeee-heeeey
Here I go into new days

Hey, hey, hey
Ain't no mercy, ain't no mercy there for me
Ain't no mercy, ain't no mercy there for me

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer

Yeah, hey, heeee-heeeey
Ain't no mercy, ain't no mercy there for me

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear

Hey, hey, hey
And i went, and i went, on down that road

Hey, hey, hey
And i went on, then I went on down that road

I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer

Hey, hey, heeeeee-heeeeey
And i went on, then I went on down that road

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear

I'm gone! I'm gone! I'm gone baby!

Do you bury me when I'm gone?
Do you teach me while I'm here?
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear
Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear

Oh, disappear

Tales from a Moonlight Spell - Destiny Call

As I told you, no more crappy post with shouts about feelings, so this next couple of days will be smoother with fiction made by me. The following short fiction is something that I did long time ago (May 2006 or 2007) one day that I had nothing to do, and I was waiting for someone to get off her job. Yes it sucks… but it was the first time that I tried to do an alternate universe story like this, so it may have some value.

Tales from a Moonlight Spell - Destiny Call

There's a shadow in my soul. Today I've embraced the dark side of the world. You see, I'ma mage, and today I've ascended into another level, as today I've glimpsed into areas that I thought not been able to. As until today I was just a wanna be mage, well to tell the truth I actually didn't want to be a mage, but sometimes you can't escape your destiny call, as my blood and soul is carved with magik,as I'm a 3rd generation mage, as that and as you might already know, you can run but you can't hide from your destiny, with that no matter what you do, shit will eventually catch you.

And I've runned from it as much as I could but it started with small things, as I started to hear voices from another's realms, then the visions started, and finally the ability to glimpse creatures from those realms bloomed in me.

And well, today I managed to enter the Demon Realms, not by my choice, but actually by a stupid accident... Oh but there's more, much more than in this. As with my full discovery of my planeswalker ability I realized that in some of those realms my powers were enhanced by thousands of mana coming from all the nexus in creation.

And even here on our realm I found to have some extraordinary abilities that allow me to help people in need.

And no matter where you are,as if you need me you just have to call me by my mage name... Siro.

But be aware of the consequences, as if you try to summon someone and you're not fully prepared you might open some really unwelcomed portals that you better not to do. But hey,if you do that I might still save you from yourself.

As I will come when you need,and no matter how far I might be, you will sense my presence and power.

But for now I will continue my journey into the Demon Realms, as I still need to refine my powers a little more in order to help even more people mostly from themselves. As that be careful for what you wish for as it might happen.

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Cover Sleeve

It's funny Imzadi, those were your last words when you left our home again today...After what was probably our last serious talk, for a while, full of sadness, tears, care and a lot of other feelings. But hey, I'm sorry for reading your thoughts once again, but as I told you that's part of the Imzadi part... But let me reply to you, once again absent of words and in a silent scream...

I wonder, if I ever let you down
Did you keep on moving
I wonder, when I took my feet from off your ground
Did you keep on going

(Indeed, you did let me down, but not as much as I did you too. But for a while I’m incapable of moving on and keep going… but I will eventually, you and I, both know that...)

If you ever need me, just remember
All the times when we wandered free
If you ever miss me, don't you know
That i feel the same way

(Memory it’s a bitch, Imzadi, it’s made to eventually fade away. I do thank you for feeling the same, but soon, you’ll keep moving on, and my memories, our memories will not remain… The memory remains just in a song, as in real life they will fade away...)

I wonder, did I ever fail you
Did you give up dreaming
I wonder, when I had to go
Did you stop believing

(I did gave up dreaming and believing… Maybe one day I might recover my dreams and beliefs, but not today, nor tomorrow… maybe, just maybe, one day...)

Don't you know, every soul must grow older
Our past belongs to you
And it should make you stronger

(Indeed, every soul must grow older, I know that, since our “house” and since our commitment, mine did… But as for our past, the scars ares still present… but yeah, I’m stronger, even if weaker currently, I’m still here, with my feets on the ground.)

If you ever need me, just remember
All the times when we wandered free
If you ever miss me, don't you know
That I feel the same way

Don't stop moving, you must keep on going
Don't you stop believing, you should go on dreaming
Don't stop moving, you must keep on going
Don't you stop believing,
'Cause it's people like you make the world go...

(It’s just a small interrupt… And I’m sorry, but I do not those powers to make the world spinning anymore… nor i want those, I’m just human after all...)

If you ever need me, just remember
All the times when we wandered free
If you ever miss me, don't you know
That I feel the same way

If you ever need me, just remember
And I'll always be there
If you ever miss me, don't you know
...don't you know
...we will meet again
...we will meet again

(I know that we will meet again, after all our furry business aren’t going anywhere soon… But yeah, now in some more serious way, it’s like that Kid Rock song of mine says “And when your walls come tumbling down, I will always be around”)

But hey, now that the tears had dried, as I told you they would, now that the talk is over, and you left once again… This one is for you, It might be the last post of mine about you, about my feelings, about us… As in the next couple of days, i will only post some old fiction of mine that I rediscovered recently, then in my vacations and in my absent from our home I will not have internet to post, so yeah, this is probably my last post for you. And even though I will not get an comment from you, cause this one actually do not have nothing to comment, I do know you read, but hey even if you don’t that’s the way it is…

So, go now Imzadi, enjoy your night, enjoy your life… And thank you for this song… Goodbye Imzadi, have a nice night... as those are my "final" words...