quinta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2014
Turn the Page
quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2014
terça-feira, 16 de setembro de 2014
Brand new start
I often write in English when I'm more stressed or pissed with the world, but today I'm just writing for sport, I'm trying with all my breath retake my life back from a huge drawback I had a month, month and an half ago, I'm lost in time, sorry about that.
I'm really trying to rediscover myself, but it's not easy, as I'm not lost, what I am is really undiscovered, and no not talking about that music lyric, I'm talking about me. After all today, I'm in the spotlight, even if I do not think I am. But that's just me, I'm super insecure of me, and it's all right, you would be too if you lost your ground, if you had lost your dreams and your beliefs. But more so, I losted the trust that I usually put in the persons surround me and in myself.
Yes, I was depress, yes I was down, and yes I'm still anxious inside my soul, but everyone is telling me that this is just a phase, this is going to go away, and I might even know that, but I cannot feel that, and I even now as I'm trying to reach out my protective bubble that I placed around me, I still not feel myself.
Yeah, time heals all, so true… but time is not my friend, never was, I was always out of time, or using borrowed time even, so what should I do next? I don't know, if I went for the logical path, I might just go fucking and partying all I can to shake this feeling off me, but then what? I do not what that life's back, I'm not just like that anymore, yes I've done that, and hell yes, I was good at that, but there's more in life that parties and fucks.
That would just give me some moments of great ecstasy, but then what, in the end of the day or in the next morning the void that I would get would devastated me. i know that, I have been down that road before. So no, I refuse to go to that path again, no matter what, no matter how my body and my soul are demanding to have a crazy night of fuck to release the frustrations and to reenergise me.
I do not need that, I need more, hell I deserve more, I've paid all my dues, I tried my best, I learned with past mistakes, and I've made peace with myself, and i'm trying to move on with my live. To do this, I must become someone else, I must become something else. (I believe that I've read this sentence somewhere else...) Something better, i must learn to master my inner emotion and self-control my inside pain and open my eyes to see beyond it.
It's no easy task, but a necessary one, Fuck I'm too much dependent on other, and I always where, it's not that I do not know to do things all by myself, I do, and better than most, it's just that I'm afraid to fail in those, so that lack of confidence, or insecurity in me makes me a little pain in the arses of many people, as I usually demand too much, cause I rely on them, not to do things for me, but just to be there in case things gone wrong.
They usually go wrong due to that, and that is what i'm trying to change, but I really doubt that that will change, it's part of me, but i will try to control it with all my strenght and I'm sure that I will be able to do it. But once again, I still need some guidance, but this time, I'm not asking it, or requesting it, I'm just going with the flow. Time is too short for me to be waiting for a change of hearts, or for shits like that, hell, this fucking life is too much precious to be spent with stupid fights with people that do not care, nor know you. It's too much precious to be lost in cries and shouts.
Nay, I do not want that for me anymore, okay, I'm not ready emotionally, physically and psychologically, nor prepared, to give myself to someone right now… due to what I told some lines above, but i'm prepare to drop from this solitude of mine and return to the real world. Meanwhile, if anything else happened in between I will accept it, but I will not look for it.
They say that everything happens for a reason, and what is meant to happen, will happen, so for now, I'm just laying low, enjoying the ride and eagerly waiting for things to come, and with that, from now on, I will put my disgust, my hate, my hunger, my distrust, my care, my love and my pity a side to be able to regain what i've lost in this journey.
It scares the hell out of me, but I'm positive that I will be able to return to live, I do not know how, or when, but I Will.
As for the rest, a couple of days ago someone told me that I was full of lies and shits. Well I was indeed, I lied, half-lied and omitted a lot of stuff in the name of love and happiness, and that was a mistake, now I see it, so, point taken, and I moved on. But as for the affirmation that I needed to stop blowing smoke in your ass, cause it will ruin your autopsy. Guess what, no more smoke from me anymore, 'cause from now on, I do not give a shit about what you want or do anymore.
Now it's my time to shine once again, it's time to make a brand new start once again in my life.
Mascaras de vingança
sábado, 13 de setembro de 2014
sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2014
Purga de emoções
Já há algum tempo que não me sinto em mim, que tento descobrir explicações e desculpas para o vazio que sinto no meu olhar, na minha alma. A verdade mais crua é que o culpado disso sou mesmo eu, pois ainda que carente por um carinho, um corpo ardente contra o meu numa chama de amor, inconscientemente não me sinto preparado para voltar a dar de mim, mesmo estando.
Desta vez, não quero voltar ao miúdo que outrora fui, não vale a pena, principalmente porque no fim era eu que me magoava e magoava também quem me rodeava ou estava comigo, mesmo que fosse só por uma noite.
Deverá de ser da idade presumo eu, mas epah, já não me vejo nisso, não por não conseguir por de lado o sentimento que ainda tenho, ou que teimo em ainda ter, porque consigo, pois esse sentimento já não me fere, apenas me causa uma moinha. Grande, por vezes, pois ainda choro sem saber bem o porque, ainda sinto falta, mas já não sei bem do que.
Enfim, estou num processo de purga, mas não estou fechado para o mundo, apenas não esperem que seja eu a dar o primeiro passo, não, para isso ainda não estou preparado, irei estar muito brevemente, mas para já não.
Para já quero apenas me encostar para trás e apreciar a viagem, quem vier ter comigo será bem vindo e muito provavelmente me irá conseguir arrancar algo que há muito esta em falta em mim... Um sorriso pela surpresa.
De resto, estou em paz comigo, e presente que o que tiver de acontecer irá acontecer e caso quem estiver a ler isto não goste de algo, temos pena, isto sou eu, nu para o mundo no mais puro estado de espírito, pois o meu mundinho já não é o suficiente para mim.
quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2014
Em pêlo
terça-feira, 2 de setembro de 2014
Reencontros, encontros e desencontros
Mas já chega de lamechice por hoje, como tal, fiquem bem.. com uma malhonga Tuga para terminar...
Reler textos meus antigos é sempre aquela coisinha que não sei descrever, mas é excelente para me reflectir... O texto a seguir foi retirado da historia Sacavém by Night, uma das minhas primeiras criações em Português:
" “Milosh, meu anjo confia mais em ti. Não tenhas tanto medo de seres feliz. Faz o que tens a fazer, mas não magoes quem amas, não mais.”
“Mas eu não magoei.”
“Pensa… não o fazes propositadamente, mas por vezes és burro demais e não te apercebes que sem querer afastas quem amas. Só espero é que ela tenha a paciência o suficiente para te agarrar… Pois caso contrario vais te perder.” "
Yep, é muito eu...