sexta-feira, 3 de julho de 2009

The Journals of Siro LeBeau - Entry 2

"Time-Watchers observe the infinite variations of reality from their citadel in the timeless void. Though they have infinite time for observation, there are also infinite permutations, and so the Time-Watchers are one of the few actual constants of the universe."

- Beyond the Gates: Out-World Armoury

Entry 2: Out of Time

At this point, things don’t look good down there… Our last report stated that some of the inhabitants that fought in the elemental war by the side of the Shadow Army are mutating into a short of Shadowkin grotesque beings. And even though some of them managed to rebel and taken away their inhibition collar, my fear is that the Shadow Elements control might overcome their free will. But that’s not all, as we still do not have any record about what is happening with the ones that had allied themselves with the Orzayans Dream Warriors, and with all of those Shadow Beasts running around Phyrra, no one can really know for sure… nor even us here at the Chrono-Watch, and that awakes another fear of mine, as I might do not have the time to prepare myself for this, so my only hope now lies in the future… It might and will be a hard tack to do, but I’ve been tracking a fighter that might help me. I’ll have to set our Time Gates seek out for her… but I will not fail, if I want to prevail…

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