quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2015


Gazing back at my life...
What if I could undone it, do I repent it?
Some days I do, some other I don't...
I don't see the purpose of that,
The past is the past, but if...
If I could do it all again... 
If I could change the past, 
I wouldn't have opened certain doors. 
They say regret is useless. 
Life moves forward if you're lucky.
Why change the past,
When it has already changed you? 
You keep moving forward...
But the past's breath 
Makes the back of your neck moist.
And it catches up to you.
When you look over your shoulder... 
You don't feel your neck start to break, 
But your body starts to turn. 
You're still moving forward
But you're moonwalking.

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