sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2015

Blast from the Past

It's nice to know that you still read me Imzadi, and I know that you don't like me to call you that anymore, and honestly I do not even care if you like it or not, as that term is the only thing that will remain unaltered by the time due to his meaning.

"Imzadi" most basically translates as "first", although this term signifies the first person with whom one has shared not only physical intimacy, but spiritual as well. It basically means someone who is very dear to you; a soulmate. It is also used as a term of endearment, bonded in mind, body and spirit, the first lover to touch your soul or spirit as well as your body. 

So the years may go by, the faces in our life may change and change, as we went into different paths, but that, my dear, is something that nor you, nor I, cannot change. 

We might even not admit it, nor like it, but it still stand true today. Yeah, I also feel strange every-time that I say it to you now, just don't feel right anymore, but both of us know very well the lies that life gave us, and we know that the wrongs sometimes are rights and the rights are wrongs, so who cares.

And mind me, as it is with some sweet tenure that I'm now able to revive some sweet moments from an long gone moment in time when the Imzadi term came to live, and if I recall it correctly it was one day in a coffee shop when someone wrote on some-other arm that "Hugo has been here".

Anyway, thanks for the read, at least you still know where I am, and what I'm doing, or at least, what I'm showing to the world - as somethings changed a lot on my end regarding what comes to public or not regarding my self. 

But hey, just remember I have been, and always shall be, your Imzadi. Cheers, love, kisses & thanks to you.

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